In Your Due Time

In Genesis 40, Joseph is in prison.  He went from being free. A young boy of a wealthy father. Living a good life to becoming a servant to a prisoner. Imprisoned for a crime that he did not commit.  God did not abandon Joseph. He remained with Joseph. Smiling His face upon him. Granting and blessing Joseph with favor. At each of his destinations, Joseph was a leader. A leader who had trust.


Joseph oversaw the cupbearer and the baker for Pharaoh who were in the same prison. Both had a dream.  Joseph interpreted their dreams.   The dream for the baker revealed his death; however the dream of the cupbearer revealed his restoration to his position.  Joseph stated to the cupbearer,  “mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison.  I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon.” -Genesis 40:14-15 

Joseph missed the lesson. Joseph did not deserve imprisonment. His journey was not about deserving but preparation. God was preparing him for duty.    

It is time

Joseph remained imprisoned for two more years.  Pharaoh had a dream.  A dream that no one was able to interpret.  This is when the cupbearer remembered Joseph.  Pharaoh had Joseph released from prison to interpret his dream.  Pharaoh saw the knowledge and wisdom of Joseph appointing him to be the Prince of Egypt. 

It took Joseph two additional years in prison. It was now time.    

Equipped and Ready

This same principle applies to you.  Your time will come in God’s due time, not your time.  God controls and decides the when. Until called, continue to grow and develop.  Grow and develop, equipping you to fulfill and perform.  It took fourteen years for Joseph to become ready.  Ready to lead Egypt through the seven years of prosperity and famine.  Oversee his people through good and bad times.  Ruling with integrity, honesty and wisdom.  You will receive the call in your due time. 

What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him. – 1 Corinthians 2:9