In the Channel

One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place. -1 Samuel 3:2 

His eyesight was failing.  His visions were becoming less. 

Eli was swimming in a channel that he created. He was in a body of water that was between his sons and God.  He had to pick his land mass.  Select the land in which he would plant his feet.  Selection required leading and taking action. 

The judgement.

His sons blatantly disrespected God.  Eli failed to correct their behavior.  Eli’s failure to take control of his sons, resulted in God passed judgment on him and his family.  God swore to destroy sight and strength. All descendants of Eli’s family would die in the prime of their life. 

Do not look the other way.

Eli lacked the courage as the leader of his family.  Looking the other way on his son’s behavior.  Compromising his values and beliefs.  His choice caused him to miss out on the possibilities of his potential.    


You will be required to make a selection on the land mass that you will swim towards. Making the wrong choice may result in repercussions that cannot be reversed.  Repercussions that cause you to not realize your vision and fail short in your purpose.  Do not compromise on your values and beliefs.  These are non-negotiable.  Negotiating will cost you.  Cost you not using your gift to its maximum potential.  Pick the right land mass from the channel to which you plant your feet.