Image and Worth

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26, NIV).

Made in his image:

  • Equips you with the soul of God 
  • Empowers you with the authority to be stewards and managers over his creation.  
  • Free will to be a rational and moral person
  • Being relational       

God gifts every person with all the capabilities to be successful and to live a life that is meaningful. Stop allowing and enabling negative behaviors to counteract what God provides.

You have a healthy sense of self and are a relational being.

Healthy sense of self

You have unique and sacred value that cannot be undervalued. Strive for a higher moral standard and a sense of purpose that fosters a positive self-image.  Do not give any person power over your standards and values.  Stand firm in who you are. 

Relational being

To be relational requires treating others respectfully and with dignity.  Treating others fairly results in building positive and healthy interpersonal relationships that fosters interconnectedness. 


Take time to ponder the greatness your image. Love you with your imperfections seeing you as a beautiful creation. An individual of great worth. 

Reflect on these four questions?

  1. What are you doing to honor your image?
  2. How are you being a good steward over his creation?
  3. What value are you adding to the world?
  4. What is the return that you are giving God for your being?