His Understanding not Your Understanding

He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears (Isa 11:3, NIV).

There are two lessons in this scripture.

One, do not be concerned with what other individuals say about you and think.  Imagine if Jesus had been concerned about what others said about him and others.  If he had been concerned, he would not have fulfilled the purpose of his creation.  The same applies to you.  Being concerned about the opinions of others will cause you to become distracted and distressed. 

Ask and answer these two questions:

  1. What authority does this individual have to speak these words?
  2. What is the purpose behind their words?

Impacted by what an individual says and thinks is a display authority. Authority is influence. Do not confuse respect with authority.  Respect is expected. Influence is the product of trust. Trust is built and cannot be expected. You must determine who has the right to influence you. 

Look Within

Two, do not judge individuals by the words they speak.  Rather make decisions on the individual based on what is in their heart.  Look within to see their inner motives and principles.  Motives and principles are the product of values and beliefs.  Talk is cheap. It is what is within a person that counts.   


These two lessons illustrate how your understanding can result in your being led astray. Led astray by your eyes and ears into taking actions and making decisions based on insufficient understanding. Eyes and ears are only part of the equation. You must include the sixth sense.  The sixth sense that keeps you from leaning into solely your own understanding.  Understanding that is flawed.  Instead lean into discernment. Discernment comes from God and his Spirit which leads to enlightenment and his understanding. It is not your understanding but his understanding that enables you to make rationale and informed decisions.