Have Unabated Persistence

You must have unabated persistence in the pursuit of what you are seeking to achieve and accomplish.   Unabated persistence in living in your purpose.   Mark 2:1-12 tells the story of a quadriplegic that was seeking healing from Jesus.  Many were gathered in the room to hear Jesus, filling the room to capacity.   People were standing in the doorway, hindering access and blocking the way to Jesus.    

Remove the Barriers

There were four men carrying the paralyzed man on a stretcher.  Since access to the door was not possible, the men found another way.  They refused to give up, remaining persistent.  Using the door was not the only option.  The men lowered the quadriplegic through the roof.   They took the tiles off of the ceiling, that created a barrier.  A barrier to their mission and what they were seeking to accomplish.  They did not allow the obstacle of getting in through the door to be a deterrence and were surely not allowing ceiling tiles to hold them back.   The men removed the barriers that set limits to what they were seeking to accomplish. 

Moving forward living in your purpose will require you to face and overcome obstacles. Obstacles that will demand you have unabated persistence.  You cannot be willing to give up when faced with solutions that do not work.  Instead, you must continue to find a solution that will work.  Believe that it is possible and the power of your thinking will aid you in finding a way. 

Keep going…

The four men saw the barriers to getting into the room; however, they kept on going.  They did not allow the barriers to hinder or stop them from moving forward.  You will need to do the same.  You must believe that you will find a way being persistent.  Do not allow the setbacks or struggles to hinder your progression and taking action. 

Persistency will empower and enable you to tap into your potential.  Instead of focusing on cannot focus on the how’s.  What are the how’s needed to make it happen.  As your thoughts are consumed with the how’s, your mind will identify the solution resulting in your taking action.   Your actions will result in accomplishing what you set out to do.   Have unabated persistence and you will achieve success.  

“You must believe you deserve it, work toward it until you see it, and affirm it until you become it” – Muhammad Ali