Have an Attitude of Belief

In Numbers 13:1-14:14:10, twelve spies were appointed to scout out the Promised Land. A spy was selected from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.  Each tribe had witnessed and seen the power of the Lord as well as having received the same opportunities. Upon the spies return to camp, 10 of the 12 spies returned with a different report because of their attitude.   The attitude of the ten spies was founded on pessimism and a defeatist mentality.  The two spies, Caleb and Joshua, had an attitude that was based on optimism, faith and belief.  They did not doubt what could be done and accomplished.  Their attitudes propelled them higher.

Attitude is vital to success and achievement.  Attitude determines our approach to life and relationship with people.  It will affect the outcome of a task, turn a problem into blessing and provide a positive perspective.  We must put in the work making our attitude positive regardless of the situations encountered in life.  Due to the people of Israel following the naysayer attitude of the 10 spies, their entrance into Promised Land was delayed for 40 years.  The people of Israel chose to follow the negative attitude of the spies instead of believing in the attitude of the two spies who had faith in the Lord.  They chose not to believe in what could be preferring slavery and having an attitude of disbelief. 

Attitude makes all the difference when viewing our situations and outlook on life.  It can be a crucial building block, propelling or obstructing progression, growth and development.  Chose to have a positive attitude no matter the odds and obstacles encountered in life.  Have an attitude of authority that speaks directly to the obstacles in your life and you will get the obstacles to move. Truly I tell you, “if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. – Mark 11:23