Go Through Not Over to Keep Moving Forward

Truly I tell you, anyone who doesn’t enter the sheep pen by the gate but climbs in some other way is a thief and a robber. -John 10:1

No Short Cuts

Short cuts are a trick and a fallacy. There are no short cuts in the pursuit of your vision. In the pursuit of your vision, there is a process. Gradual changes over time that will yield an outcome. An outcome that requires commitment in time and effort. You must be willing to make the sacrifices in order to realize the results that you seek.  Thinking that you can circumvent the process will cause you to waste time.  Wasting time because you will have to “do over” due to missing a step in the process.  A do over causes you to expend additional time.  Wasting time – time that is a valuable asset.

Climbing over the gate instead of going through the gate is not a viable option. Short cuts speak to your character and will power. You will be a thief and a robber. A thief and robber because you did not have the stamina, endurance or perseverance to put in the work to go through the gate. Going through to evolve into the person that you must become. Yes, the time and effort appear to be overwhelming and daunting, making your uncomfortable.   Being uncomfortable is a necessity. Do not waste time thinking about the time and effort.  Maximize the use of your time by keeping your mind focused on your vision.

Go Through

Be steadfast in the pursuit of achieving and obtaining your vision. Determination will result in targeting the actions required to realize success.  Center your thinking on the what’s and how’s instead of lamenting about the time and effort.  Do not waste time and expend energy on that which will not move you forward. Taking short cuts that will not yield the desired outcomes. Attempts to circumvent wastes time because you must follow all the steps in the process.  You must go through not over which will keep you moving forward.