Get Synchronized

The Israelites greatly outnumbered the Egyptians.  They could easily have rebelled and overpowered the Egyptians.  What kept them imprisoned was their mindset.  Their mindset determined their beliefs.  The Egyptians were able to program the minds of the Israelites.  Programming them to believe that they were inferior and slaves.  The king of Egypt created the program that poisoned their minds keeping them imprisoned.      

Look the Israelites have become far too numerous for us.  Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country. -Exodus 1:9-10

Do not allow others to poison your mind. Believe in who you are and what you can accomplish.

The Cure

The Israelites had the cure.  The cure was their mindset to corrupting the program. In the movie the Woman King, the people did not accept imprisonment.  The Woman King put a virus in the program. Refuse to accept programming that devalues or enslaves.  

The Challenge

What you believe is what you will be.  Beliefs impact what you see and what you will do.  Synchronizing requires beliefs and actions being in harmony. You must get clarity on what you believe and your actions to get in sync.  Take this four step challenge.  One, reflect and mediate on what you believe.  What are your truths.  Compile your list.  Two, for one week monitor your behaviors and actions.  Three, analyze how your truths and actions are in sync.  Four, make adjustments and corrections. Five, execute the actions to get in harmony becoming synchronized.