Follow the Path to Progression

In Galatians, Apostle Paul was preaching the gospel to Gentiles.  God had appointed him to preach the new way.  Accept Christ because the law was obsolete. The Jews opposed Paul, causing the Galatians to be confused. The Galatians did know who or what to follow.  The Jews were putting on a good front.  Making following the law, the better way.  The Jews enticed and excited the Gentiles to turn away from Paul    The Jews were courting the Galatians for their own selfish needs. What they were doing had nothing to do with the Lord. It was all about them.

“They court you eagerly, but not for good. They want to exclude you from me, so that you would pursue them. -Galatians 4:17

Be wise.

Just like the Galatians, do not follow a way that is not the way for you. Enticed to believe that the grass is greener.  That an institution, organization or persons or a job is a better way.  Do not be led astray. Take time to research and conduct an evaluation before you leap.  Leaping may cause you to go backwards or place you in deeper distress.  

In following the law, the Gentiles would not receive salvation and redemption.  The law provided temporary relief from transgressions while Jesus provides everlasting forgiveness for transgressions.  Be careful to not be manipulated in following a path going in the wrong direction. Going backwards instead of forward. Focus on the path that will take you forward, progressing.