Focus on Being Chosen

In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard workers.  Workers were hired throughout the day. At the end of the day, regardless of the time started, each worker received the same pay.  Same pay caused dissatisfaction among the workers. They believed that the pay should be based on time worked.  Who appointed them to determine what the pay should be?  It is not for the workers to decide. 

It is quality.

The landowner responded.  Don’t I have the right to do what I want with is mine? -Matthew 20:15  This is what causes individuals to miss out on opportunities and possibilities.  Missing out focusing on others.   Do not be quick to undervalue others to overvalue yourself.  Hours worked is not a indication of production. There is no evidence that in the time worked by each individual, that one worked hard than another. What to examine is quality and yield.

The yield and return.

First, I challenge you to reflect on two questions.  1 – How are you producing?   2 – What is the return on production?   What you are producing and yielding is not based on time and duration but efficiency and diligence.  Compensation is based on quality. 

The reward.

Next, reflect upon the reward that you are seeking and desiring.  The reward you seek and desire should not be materialistic.  Money and things come and go.  Both fluctuate with time.  Seek rewards that do not fade or lessen with time. Focus on that which is everlasting.  Do and give your best to receive the greatest return and yield. You will receive that which you deserve. Strive to be deserving of the call and chosen. You do not want to be called and refused or called and not chosen.