Faith is…

Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. -Hebrews 11:1

What does this mean?

Faith is fact to what cannot be visibly seen.  Faith replaces sight.  It is inherent trust, enduring confidence and conviction in the power, wisdom and goodness of God.  This means that have unshakeable belief in him and what he can do beyond the physical senses.

What must I do?

Walk and speak with confidence.  Commit to enduring to receive your promise.  Make choices that will progress not regress. See with spirit and not natural sight.

Faith produces

You will look back and be able to look forward.  Back to the beginning to see your progression.  Using what is behind to press you forward to achieving more.  You will stretch.

Faith will motivate you to do things that are good.  Good adds value to others and you.  Faith results in being rewarded with shalom.  Peace, joy and fulfillment is the value not materialistic things.  Shalom is the measurement for success. Success intangible.

Answer this question, do you have faith?  The response is a resounding “Yes”.  Tap in to it.  Put faith into practice by your actions and thoughts.  By your actions, you display belief, courage and strength.  Press forward to obtain your reward and prize. It is waiting on you.