Face That Which You Fear

What you fear is the cure to your fear.  The antidote will cause you to face that which you fear.  Facing your fear empowers you to move forward.  Failing to face the fear will hinder your progression. Fear is a part of life.  You must determine how much power you will give fear.  You control the power that you give fear.  Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid.  Only believe.” -Mark 5:36

Do not complain.

In Numbers 21, the Israelites were again complaining.   Speaking against God and Moses.  The Israelites had become programmed to accepting bondage as a way of life. Their acceptance caused them to be disobedient and ungrateful. God had enough of their complaining. He sent poisonous snakes to kill the people. The Israelites sought forgiveness and mercy.  The people asked Moses to intercede on their behalf.  Again Moses to their rescue.

God instructed Moses to make a snake image and mount it on a pole.  Anyone bitten by a snake was to look at the image.  Looking at the image would result in healing.  People were healed.  The healing came from what they feared – a snake. 

Do not become stagnant.

Your ability to move forward will require you to face that which you fear.  Face and conquer the fear. Do not become stagnant and complacent. Stagnant results in complaining like the Israelites. Open your mind and eyes to see beyond the physical believing in change and better. Fear causes you to settle, becoming stuck. Face the fear striving for better and more.  Identify the fears that are holding you back.  Face the fears to keep moving forward. 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. -2 Timothy 1:7