Empowering Perspectives: Choosing ‘Can’ Over ‘If’

In Mark 9: 14-29, a father is seeking healing for his son.  The disciples cannot help.  The father is discouraged on his son being cured. He seeks out Jesus for help. The father says to Jesus if you can do anything to help, please do so.  Jesus replies “If you can? Everything is possible for one who believes” (Mark 9:23, NIV).

The difference between an “if” and a “can” attitude lies in perspective and action. An “if” mindset contemplates obstacles, while a “can” mindset focuses on possibilities.

Disparity in Thinking

In navigating life’s challenges, the disparity between adopting an “if” versus a “can” attitude profoundly influences outcomes. The “if” mentality fixates on uncertainties, dwelling on potential barriers and setbacks. A “can” approach embodies optimism and resilience, concentrating on possibilities and solutions. Igniting the drive to overcome obstacles. The word “can” is empowering. It embraces opportunities and leveraging strengths to achieve goals. By embracing a “can” attitude, one transforms potential obstacles into stepping stones towards success, embodying the essence of proactive optimism in the face of uncertainty.

Results of “If”

An “if” attitude yields hesitation, indecision, and missed opportunities.  It breeds hesitation and doubt the opposite of “can” which fuels proactive determination. Individuals with “if” mindset may find themselves paralyzed by the fear of potential obstacles or failures. They might dwell excessively on what could go wrong, which can inhibit progress and personal growth. Additionally, an “if” attitude may contribute to a negative outlook, limiting creativity and innovation. Overall, the results of an “if” attitude include missed chances for success, reduced self-confidence, and a lack of fulfillment due to the reluctance to take risks and pursue goals wholeheartedly.

Impact of “Can”

By adopting a “can” mindset, you unlock full potential, paving the way for personal fulfillment, professional success, and a more enriching life journey. Embracing a “can” attitude cultivates a mindset of empowerment and self-belief. It fosters a willingness to take risks, innovate, and persist in the face of adversity. Those with a “can” mentality tend to approach challenges as opportunities for growth, learning, and development. They harness their inner resources and external support networks to navigate complexities with resilience and grace. In contrast,

Believe in “can” to fuel proactive determination, turning potential into reality. Delete “if” out of your vocabulary.