Embrace Transformation and Renewal

Jesus was questioned by Nicodemius on who he was.  Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again (reborn from above-spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified), he cannot (ever) see and experience the kingdom of God.: – John 3:3   Transformation is a change in our spirit leading to renewal which is essential for happiness.  

2020 is closing out for the launching of a new year. 2021 will be a year that is full of potential, possibilities and opportunities.  I say to you, look forward to 2021, leaving behind 2020. In 2021 focus on renewal and transformation, leaving behind that which is hindering and hampering your progression. Do not remain the same. Take action to achieve that which you desire. Use action to press you forward to that which is ahead and possible.  John 3:3 references new birth, extending an invitation for transformation and renewal, resulting in a better life.   Will you accept the offer?  Renewal will result in living a life of significance and being impactful.  

Embrace the new you, shedding the old you so that you can open your mind to that which can be.  You have limitless opportunities and possibilities in the coming new year.  A year that will provide you with a clean slate and a fresh start.  I challenge you in 2021 to seize that which is for you, taking charge of your life.  Let the Spirit be your guide, trusting that it knows the way that you should go.  The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it is coming from and where it is going; sit it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” – John 3:8.  Embrace transformation and renewal.

1 thought on “Embrace Transformation and Renewal”

  1. Amen.

    I absolutely agree. Embrace who is transforming you into. I recently did just that and have been working at following the Shepherd.

    I myself see so much clearer now. In my own experience being raised Catholic that baptism as a child was “sufficient”? I see now I was looking at it the wrong way. I not only recv’d
    reaffirmation when I became rebaptized my spirit strengthened, my faith was confirmed and I felt a physical change within me. I embraced the word before but now began understanding it better.

    If you are reading this and have never felt this sensation or heard that beautiful sounds inside perhaps this is your sign to get baptized, join HIM, he’s not only waiting for us to call out to HIM because HE knows your weakness and confusions and HE is strengthened in US by them too. And as Corinthians 12 ” my grace is enough for you, when you are weak my power is made perfect in you”
    And as Ephesians 1 reminds us…” in Christ we were chosen to be God’s people, because from the very beginning God had decided this in keeping with HIS plan. And HE is the one who makes everything agree with what HE decides and wants. We are the first people who hoped in Christ and we were chosen so that
    We would bring praise to God’s glory. So it is with you. When you heard the true teaching- the good news about your salvation- you believed in Christ,God puts his special mark of ownership on you by giving you the Holy spirit that he had promised. That the Holy spirit is the guarantee that we will receive what God promised for his people until God gives full freedom to those who are HIS- …”

    Everyone has there own encounter and each I’m sure is beautiful in its own way. I assumed mine was as an infant but I see more questions needed answers and our Lord was listening to me since before I was born but this way he could send us that comforter they spoke of at the last supper and for me my doubt would cease. And so I too would be born again anew.
    We each have our own questions in the new year. I too will try to strengthen myself thru HIM in 2021 and trust HIM more. Try it for yourself. Pray, Read, Be still and Listen, Ask for Jesus to partner with you and become anew this year thru baptism. Knock and the door shall be opened. HE is ALWAYS listening.

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