Embrace Being Uncomfortable

You have to be willing to be uncomfortable to move forward.  Uncomfortable results in transformation, growth and development.  It will help in building endurance and resilience.    You must get uncomfortable in order to live in your purpose and to make your vision a reality.

God promised Abram a son.  Sarai became impatient waiting.  After twenty-four years, nothing had happened. Sarai’s impatience led her to take matters into her own hands.  She gave her servant Haggar to Abram to bear him a son.  Haggar became pregnant, becoming disrespectful to Sarai resulting in Sarai mistreating her.  Haggar was uncomfortable resulting in her running away into the desert. Her plan was for her and her son to die in the desert.   Haggar viewed death as a better alternative to being uncomfortable.    

God Intervenes

God sent an angel of the Lord to dissuade her from her course of action.  She was to return back to Sarai.  There was no need to run.  God had plans for her and her son. She must endure being uncomfortable to live in her purpose.    

Just like Haggar, you must face being uncomfortable to move forward.  Moving forward entails getting outside of your comfort zone.  Being uncomfortable is to your benefit.  It is not your enemy.  Being uncomfortable builds fortitude, endurance and resilience.  Embrace it becoming better.  

For we will reap at the proper time at the proper time if we don’t give up. -Galatians 6:9