Do Not Let Go

Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” -Genesis 32:26

Jacob refused to let go of God.  He wanted God to bless him. Jacob held on tight.  Wrestling with God throughout the night.  God acquiesced.  You know that there is no beating God.  God blessed Jacob with a new perspective and mindset.  Transformed from a deceiver to an achiever.  Jacob became a fighter.  He could withstand. 

It is a test.

God is invincible.  He was testing Jacob to see how bad he wanted his blessing.  He sought to see if Jacob would be persistent.  God wanted to see if Jacob truly want what he requested.

The same applies to you.  Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Do you really want the blessing? 
  2. Do you have the resilient and persistent to keep going? 
  3. Will you fight and wrestle not letting go to get what you want? 

You must be persistent and determined. There is no settling.  Settling means that you do not believe in the blessing.  Do not believe in achieving and realizing the blessing.


Next, meditate and answer these two questions

  1. What does persistence look like and mean to you?
  2. What will make you hold tight not letting go?     

I challenge you to take time over the coming week to mediate and reflect on will you hold tight.  Letting go will result in your not realizing what is for you.