Do Not Get Stuck

Do not become anchored in one way of thinking.  Be open to finding and discovering a better way.  The initial way at the time is the best way.  You must see that a new way is possible.  The new way results in growth and evolution.    

New Way

In Galatians, the Jews became stuck.  They could not move forward from the law.  The law had run its course.  It provided guidance and direction to restrain and curtail sin.   It was a temporary measure.  God always had plans for a new way.  He knew man could not keep the stipulations of the laws. God had a better way. Jesus is the way.   The law was added for the sake of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise was made would come. -Galatians 3:19 

It prepared the way for Jesus. The Seed had come.


The law, the old way, had become obsolete.  It had served its purpose.  Revealing faults and disobedience.  Offering ways to repent.  The time had come to move on from the law to Jesus.  Jesus who eliminated all the stipulations of the law.  The Jews needed to accept Him as the Savior.  The new way.

Move On

The Jews could not move on.  Their failing to press forward created an obstacle for the Gentiles.  An obstacle that caused confusion in the Gentiles. They did not knowing what to believe or follow.  Paul was pushing the Gentiles forward.  Forward to a better way.

Do not become stuck in old ways.  Open your mind to new ways that will provide greater and better opportunities.  A door is opened for you.  Make the decision to walk through the door.  Taking a new path.  Take the chance on the new path to keep moving forward.  Moving forward in progressing and growing.

I leave you with two questions for reflection.

1. Where have you become stuck?

2. What old way of thinking do you need to shed?

Let go to move forward. A new way is available and possible.

See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up , do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. -Isaiah 43:19