Do Not Develop a Soil Problem

In Mark 11, Jesus was hungry.  He saw a fig tree that had leaves and went to find out if there was any fruit.  Jesus reached the tree –found that it nothing but leaves. It was not the season for figs.  He said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” –Mark 11:14.   Jesus cursed the tree.  It withered up and died.

Jesus knew the tree had no hope of bearing fruit.  Its appearance was deceptive.  The tree had leaves prior to the season for figs.  This was a sign that the tree would be barren because it was drying up from its roots.  It had a soil problem.  It lacked life and productivity.  Do you have a soil problem?  

As with the fig tree, you can be deceptive on the outside.  You have the appearance of being fruitful but within you are barren.   You are not protecting and following your vision.    Be consistent and persistent in the pursuit of your vision, following through.  You must develop the habit of taking action.  You were created to be fruitful.  Do not allow your soil to develop a problem resulting in your withering up and dying.  You will have missed out on opportunities and failed to use the potential that is within you.    

7 thoughts on “Do Not Develop a Soil Problem”

  1. Your messages speak to my heart and always right on time . Thank you for the blessing

  2. Being fruitful is very important I thank God for your inspiration 🙏that you keep up your blessings

  3. Your posts always is cause for reflection about my spiritual health. That, in turn, causes action on my part.

  4. I thank you all for your continued support and feedback. It helps to inspire and motivate more to continue in my writing.

    1. Charlene Marsh

      Thank for these scriptures This one I really needed to be reminded about What I’m to do in Jesus’s Name the reason I’m alive.
      Thank you

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