Do Not Compromise Your Values

There will be times that you will stand alone. You will have to speak the truth.  You must stay true to your beliefs and values.   In 2 Kings 17, the people had become disobedient and defiant.   The people turned their back on God.   The king sinned against God boldly and publicly. 


Elijah prayed to God to reprimand and punish the people.    As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word. -2 Kings 17:1.   Elijah prayed for no rain resulting in three years of drought in the land.    The Lord answered his prayer and a drought occurred.  There was a famine in the land.  People were hungry, destitute and desperate.   

Elijah was the lone ranger against his people.  He stood alone not compromising his values and beliefs.  There was not one person standing with him. God was with him. It was him and God against the masses. Elijah stayed firmly rooted and planted in the Lord and his values.  Elijah remained obedient, following the Lord and His commands.  He was one solitary man against all of his people and the king. 

Like Elijah, during the course of your life you will have to stand your ground.  Staying true to your values and not allowing the fear of the crowd to sway your beliefs.  You must be courageous, determined and dedicated. Hold firm to your values, principals and beliefs.  Not compromising who you are and whose you are.  You will have to lean in to courage and faith, remaining strong and steadfast.  You may feel that you are alone; however, know that you are not alone.  God is with you.  You will stand and be victorious.  If you do not stand firm in your faith, then you will not stand at all. -Isaiah 7:9