Contemplation Results in Achieving Success   

I did not tell anyone what God had laid on my heart to do for Jerusalem. -Nehemiah 2:12 God had tasked Nehemiah with an assignment.  His assignment was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  An assignment that had an outcome of unification of the Jews who had been exiled. Nehemiah traveled to Jerusalem from his cushy job as the cupbearer for King Artaxerxes.  He was living a good life.  He had prestige and money.  But God tapped him to leave behind his good job.  Nehemiah traded a good job for ridicule and danger.  Another interesting point, you will have to leave behind that which is comfortable in order to live in your purpose.

Be quiet…

Nehemiah kept quiet to what God had put upon his heart.  He understood that the message and direction God gave him was for him.  This was not the time to share and broadcast the message. As with Nehemiah, you have to learn to know when to be quiet.  When God is talking to you and tells you do something, it is for you. 

God is speaking to you.

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful, than that of a continual conversation with God; those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it.” ― Brother Lawrence

When God speaks to you, it is for you.  It is not for you to go tell your friends and family.  It is not for you to be gossiping.  Instead, you are to take time to pause, reflect and contemplate. Mediate on your course of action prior to executing the assignment.  Listen and allow God to speak to you. He is speaking to give you a plan to aid you in achieving success.  Take the time to observe and consider the options before spreading the word on what you have been tasked to do.  Take time; however, do not stay stuck in planning. You will need to move forward.

Take time to study.

After Nehemiah spent time in contemplation, he then shared his assignment.  Like Nehemiah, take time to study your task, getting your mind focused and prepared for action.   Contemplation is a key component to preparation. Studying and thinking equip you to make informed decisions founded in rationale and knowledge.  You are able to gain knowledge that develops into wisdom. Wisdom that you apply so that you can be effective and impactful.  Contemplation is an invaluable resource that will aid you in realizing and achieving success.    

All who are prudent act with knowledge. –Proverbs 13:16