
Joshua in his last speech to the Israelites directed the people to make a choice. 

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. -Joshua 24:15

Your Power

Every person must make choices.  Choices are options.  Options that will impact your values and how you feel.  Choices impact your life negative or positive.   You must choose which impact you desire.  Identify what is the outcome that you seek.  You have the power to choose.  Choices are based on mindset.  It is your perception of what is right or wrong based on your values.  What you believe, trust and follow. 

Open your mind

Just like Joshua asked the Israelites to make a choice.  Throughout life, you must make choices.  Choices require that you open your mind to all possibilities not being constrained. Opening the mind encourages and enables seeing with spirit. You see that nothing is insurmountable.  Seeing opportunities for growth, discovery and self-awareness.

Make choices that move you forward in evolving and growing.  Israelites had to choose – God or idols.  The choice was theirs.  Like them, you must make choices that will shape who you are and how others identify with you.  It is imperative that you make choices that are impactful and significant.  Changing your world and those around you for the better and good.   Make choices that make a positive difference.

Take time to reflect on the choices that you need to make. Make the choices that will keep you pressing forward to realize and achieve more. Being and making a difference.