Character is Our Choices

Character is revealed, created and molded based on the choices we make and our actions. We must move from talk to action.  Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.  Give careful thought to the paths of your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. – Proverbs 4:25-26

In the Bible, the book of Daniel is an example of the power of character.  Daniel was a man of integrity, honor and trust.   Daniel was tactful and wise early in his years, a testament that these qualities can be obtained early in life.  His character was on display three times. One, his request for food, not wishing to eat the food mandated by the king but instead eating fruits and vegetables.  Two, he responded with tact at the king’s decree to kill all the wise men because of their failure to interpret his dream.  Three, his commitment to God.  The king issued a decree that everyone was to bow down to a statue, an idol.  Daniel let his actions speak using no words.  He continued in his loyalty and obedience to God praying three times a day.  Daniel would not compromise his character thus he was thrown into a den of lions.

As with Daniel, when faced with opposition or consequences, will your character be revealed or will you falter?   Reflect on those who have gone before us, all withstanding because of their character – Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr, Nelson Mandela, Audrey Hepburn and many others. 

As with those before us and with us, it takes courage and commitment which fuel our character.  You must be willing to face the fire and be more than talk taking action. Character is the choices we make in our actions. 

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