Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Endurance Equips

Endurance is withstanding challenges, hardship or adversity.  Enduring is difficult with walls crumbling around you.  You feel overwhelmed and attacked resulting in being vulnerable and anxious.  Do not allow the negative emotions to control you. Change your perspective. View the situation as providing spiritual maturity and testing inner peace.  Be assured that the testing of … Read more

Move Beyond the Basics

Therefore let us leave the elementary teaching about Christ and go on to maturity (Hebrews 6:1, NIV).   You have the basics.  This requires moving beyond the basics, not becoming stagnant in knowledge and understanding.  Use this passage to apply to all aspects of your life.  Use these five themes to move beyond the basics:  Romans … Read more

Beyond You

You are to be impactful.  Building and creating.  Controlling and navigating a course.  Being the captain of the ship.   A captain empowers and encourages others to progress.  Being a beacon that draws individuals together to build and create community.  A community inspires others to work together to yield accomplishments that are beyond the capabilities of … Read more

Believe – Do Not Doubt

After baptism, the Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness for temptation by the devil.  Jesus fasted for forty days and night, before becoming hungry.  Imagine forty days and nights without eating. I would be delirious.  In steps, the devil when Jesus is at his most vulnerable.  The devil says to Jesus “If you are the … Read more