Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Tap Into Potential

Each day you should be intentional in learning and growing, pursuing your passion and fulfilling your purpose. Benjamin Franklin states “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”  As you continue to grow you’re tapping into your potential.  Your potential is limitless, by not growing you are setting … Read more

Live in Love

Let love be a focus in your life.  “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” (1 John 4:16)  If you say God lives within you then you are love, your actions and words should be a reflection. Words are empty without action,  thus let your actions portray the … Read more

It Shall Come to Pass

Know that you are worthy to receive the blessings God has planned for your life.  Know that you are loved and that the promises God has for your life are true. God does not lie, his word is pure. In Isaiah 65:24 God says “And it shall come to pass”.  God is stating that he has … Read more

Your Circle

As you continue to grow, you may need to evaluate who you have included within your circle.  King Solomon stated, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffer harm.” –Proverbs 13:20. Your circle may need to change and evolve, along with you. Your circle should be comprised of people who have similar … Read more

You Have a Testimony

Each of us has a testimony- a compilation of trials, storms, and tests in your life. Your faith will be tested and pain is a part of life. The key is how you handle your tests and deal with the pain. God gives us storms, trials or hardships to endure and withstand to make us … Read more


You are not average! YOU are outstanding, dynamic, you are God’s creation, created in his image.  You have his greatness within you, the Spirit. Do not ever think you are average, believe in who you are and who resides within you. Stretch yourself beyond what you know and have falsely determined that you are incapable … Read more


God’s word and SPIRIT are catalysts that transport you into new dimensions in the journey of your life. You are inwardly transformed through the Holy Spirit and God’s word, putting on a new self and a new creation. Allow God and his Spirit to reside within you, thereby being transformed.  Best selling author Mark Batterson says … Read more