Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Contemplation Results in Achieving Success   

I did not tell anyone what God had laid on my heart to do for Jerusalem. -Nehemiah 2:12 God had tasked Nehemiah with an assignment.  His assignment was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  An assignment that had an outcome of unification of the Jews who had been exiled. Nehemiah traveled to Jerusalem from his … Read more

Have Unabated Persistence

You must have unabated persistence in the pursuit of what you are seeking to achieve and accomplish.   Unabated persistence in living in your purpose.   Mark 2:1-12 tells the story of a quadriplegic that was seeking healing from Jesus.  Many were gathered in the room to hear Jesus, filling the room to capacity.   People were standing … Read more

Lean Into Your Internal Strength – The Spirit

You must exercise and utilize your internal strength that only the Spirit can provide.   Apostle Paul endured much hardship and pain, not giving up on his commitment to his calling.   His struggles did not cause him to abandon his purpose and mission.  Paul was persecuted, beaten, left for dead, hungry and homeless.  Still, … Read more

Do Not Waiver, Stay Your Course

Nehemiah received a vision from God to rebuild the walls in Jerusalem.  This assignment resulted in much opposition.  The people and Nehemiah faced much resistance but they stayed the course.   In order to stay their course, they leaned into their faith and believed into their source, God.   The people held a weapon in one hand … Read more