Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Life is Both Victories and Challenges

As you journey through life, you will experience victories and challenges.  Both add to your character.  Building resilience, strength and stamina.  The victories give you pause to celebrate.  The challenges help you to stretch.  Challenges and victories are necessary to grow and develop. Life is a learning process.  Without challenges, you would not uncover your … Read more

Do Not Remain the Same

You were running well.  Who prevented you from being persuaded regarded the truth. -Galatians 5:7 You look back to what is comfortable.  What you have grown accustomed.  Conformity seeks to halt progression. Keeping you stagnant. Conforming to your peers. Pressured by peers yearning for their approval and acceptance. You must choose to stand firm in … Read more

Do Not Fit In

In Galatians 2, Apostle Paul had become the biggest advocate for building the church.  Building the church on the foundation of Christ.  Christ made a new way. Redemption and forgiveness are for everyone, this included the Gentiles. The Jews sought to block Paul in spreading the new gospel.  They believed the Gentiles to be unworthy … Read more