Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Break the Cycle

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In Romans 7, Apostle Paul teaching to the Jews their release from the Law and its penalty.  The Law superseded by Christ.  The old way had served its purpose.  Laying the ground work; however, a new way had been provided by God.  The time had come to serve God in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the law. 

But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. – Romans 7:6

Closed Mind

The Jews were resisting.  Stuck in the old way of thinking.  Refusing to see the new way. The new way provided.  Their refusal to see caused them to miss opportunity.  An opportunity to their benefit.  A benefit not seen because of a closed mind. A closed mind to thinking in a new way.  A closed mind leading to extinction.  God was offering the Jews a better way.  A better way that they refused to accept and embrace. 

There is a new and better way

Do not allow your mind to become closed. Break the cycle in your way of thinking.  Stop thinking that there is only one way of doing things.  Discontinue going in a circle in your thinking.  Put a halt to the doubting.  Do not remain stagnant and keep trying to travel backwards in your thinking.  Allow your mind to speculate on new ways and methodologies resulting in executing new strategies.  New strategies that will yield greater return.  Take the chance on new to receive greater.  Embrace the new way.  The old way superseded and retired to allow for new methodologies.  New methodologies that will propel you higher to new levels. New levels of success and fulfillment.

Close Out

You have closed out 2022.  I challenge you to release old ways of thinking holding you back.  Leave the old ways behind in 2022.  Embrace and explore new ways enabling you to realize greater returns.  Shepherd in new ways of thinking in 2023.

Happy New Year!  I am looking forward to seeing great things from you in the upcoming year.    



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