Beyond You

You are to be impactful.  Building and creating.  Controlling and navigating a course.  Being the captain of the ship.   A captain empowers and encourages others to progress.  Being a beacon that draws individuals together to build and create community.  A community inspires others to work together to yield accomplishments that are beyond the capabilities of one person.  Accomplishments that are significant and impactful. 

Accomplishments yield great outcomes that are beyond you. Outcomes that effect a community.  Do not limit yourself to solely your skills and talents.  This limits potential and what can be accomplished.  Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor (Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIV).   

We not me

God tasked Moses to lead the Israelites to the promised land. Moses in executing his assignment with limited sight. He believed that he had to do it all. He had to be everything and all things. His mindset limited the achievements of the people. Moses spent his entire day on activities that others could perform. Time best spent in training, coaching and mentoring. It took Jethro, his father-in-law, to open his mind to looking beyond himself and his capabilities.

Jethro says to Moses “The thing that you are doing is not good.  You will certainly wear out both yourself and these people who are with you, because the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone” (Exodus 18:17, NIV).  

Two or more

Based on Jethro’s guidance, Moses appointed others as leaders.  Leaders to share in the work.  Individuals that were willing and able to assist.  Like Moses, you must include others in what you are building.  You cannot do it all.  It is not possible to do it.  To strike with impact, you must include others.  You can chart the course.  Charting the course that will result in success.  Together individuals accomplish more.  Include others who are willing and able.  Individuals are in need of a cause and want to support a cause.  This week take time to reflect on what you are building, the impact and who to include.  Next extend the invitation to join you in the work. The work is beyond you. Stop limiting your outcomes.