Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Beyond Valentine’s Day: Everyday Command to Love

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As Valentine’s Day approaches, shops fill with hearts and flowers to prompt displays of affection. Displaying true love is not confined to a single day. True love is a daily commitment that is to reaches far beyond comfort zones.

Understanding Christ’s Command

In John 13:34-35 (NIV), Jesus says “a new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Jesus’ words are not for application only on special occasions.  His command is for daily living.  Love is to transcend natural inclinations and to stretch comfortable boundaries.  True love is to be extended to those who stand against you, differ from you, and even harm you.

Like vs. Love: Understanding the Difference

This does not mean that you like everyone.  It means you are choosing to love despite differences and difficulties.

Liking someone is based on personal preference, shared interests and natural attraction.

Love, as commanded by Christ, is based on conscious choice, divine example and unconditional giving.

Making Our World Better

The practice of daily love isn’t just about personal relationships.  It is about transforming our world. Transformation is the result of consistent acts of kindness, choosing love over hate, breaking down barriers and building bridges of understanding.

Living the Command Daily

Practical ways to show love every day is listening without judgment, serving without expectation, giving without condition and forgiving without limitation.

Moving Forward

The time for limited, occasional love is past. Our world needs the transformative power of daily, universal love – not to make it great again, but to make it better and stronger through consistent acts of Christ-like love.

Let Valentine’s Day be not just a reminder of romantic love, but an inspiration to recommit to loving as Christ commanded – every person, every day.



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