Believe – Do Not Doubt

After baptism, the Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness for temptation by the devil.  Jesus fasted for forty days and night, before becoming hungry.  Imagine forty days and nights without eating. I would be delirious.  In steps, the devil when Jesus is at his most vulnerable.  The devil says to Jesus “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread” (Matthew 4:3, NIV).

He did not “IF”

The devil used the big word IF.  If casts doubt. Tends to make you doubt beliefs and faith. Jesus did not fall for the rouse. Instead, he came back to the slick one with God’s word.  His word is power. God’s word does not lie. What he says is true.  There is no need to fear and doubt what he has spoken.  Fear and doubt are schemes of the devil.

Purpose and plan

Combat fear by going to the word. God says “In him we have also received an inheritance, because we are predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will” (Ephesians 1:11, NIV). God states what is to occur.  He told you who you are and what you will have.  Do not doubt. Believe in who you are and your future.

Written and stated

If Jesus had doubted, there would be no future for you and me. Death and sin would have won. Jesus stood his ground in who he is and can do. There is no need to convince the devil. The devil knew Jesus as well which is why he was in the wilderness with Jesus. Old slick one was attempting to put a stop to God’s plan. The devil does not have the power. God is the power. Believe and do not falter. Your future is predestined. Follow his will. It is written and true.  Believe in what he says. Do not doubt.