Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Beginning Does not Control Purpose

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Your beginning does not dictate your path for your life.   Do not allow where you have started to impact your will go in your life.  You have a purpose.   With purpose comes belief. Your purpose is from God not man.  Follow what He plants within you. In Galatians, Apostle Paul was facing opposition from others who questioned his purpose.  Disbelieving his authenticity because of his beginning.  

Wrong way

Paul had been spearheading the persecution of the disciples. A driving force to destroy the church.  God stepped in. Making him see that he was going the wrong way.  God informed Paul of the plans and purpose for him.  It was for Paul to follow, being obedient. Follow he did.

“But when God, who from my mother’s womb set me apart and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I could preach him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone.” -Galatians 1:16-17

Keep Going

Paul had his purpose and cause.  Others wanted to block and question his authenticity.  This did not deter him. He knew whom to which he owed allegiance and obedience.  A purpose causes you have to a burning desire and passion that makes you unstoppable and a formidable force.  Remain focused on what you are doing and the why.  Do not allow anyone or anything to dissuade or distract you. 

Paul previously being a persecutor of the church. A persecutor lacking purpose. He turned from being a persecutor to a builder of the church. He now had purpose. There was no turning back. No running or hiding.  He became committed and dedicated to his task. 


As with Paul, you must be persistence.  Have the tenacity to keep pressing forward.  Lean in to your passion fueling your purpose.  Do not allow what others think and where you have been to stop you.  From where you started does not determine where you will go. 



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