Be Tethered to Your Purpose

God has a specific plan for you, that is for you.  It is not for you to be concerned with His plans for others.  Keep your focus and mind on that which you are to do and to be doing.  In John 21, Jesus was informing Peter of what is that he needed to do, “Shepherd my sheep” -John 21:16.  Instead Peter was distracted by wanting to know what John would be doing.  Peter was concerned about John’s assignment instead of what he was to do.


Jesus stated “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?  As for you, follow me.” – John 20:22   

Peter misinterpreted Jesus’ statement to mean that John would not die. Jesus was stating that John is of no concern to him.  What is concern to Peter is Jesus’ assignment for him – Follow me.  Jesus instructions. Peter’s assignment and focus.

Keep your focus on what you are to do.

This is one of the root causes of mess and misconceptions – misinterpretation.   Instead of minding your business you seek to mind the business of others resulting in misunderstanding and misconceptions. Do not be concerned with what another person is doing or not doing. Focus on what you need to be doing. What is for you is for you.  This should be the vocal point of your thoughts.  Don’t waste time and energy being concerned with what another is doing.  Instead spend your time thinking upon and about what you need to be doing so you can identify and develop the actions required to complete your assignment.

When you focus on what someone else is doing or not doing, it takes you off course.  Results in your not doing and giving your best.  Be tethered to living and following your purpose. 

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