Be Prepared for Opportunities

In Matthew 25:1-12 there is the story of the ten virgins.  The ten virgins were to keep their lamps lit to greet the groom.  Five of them were foolish and five were wise. – Matthew 25:2. The five foolish did not plan or think ahead. They did not take along any additional oil to keep their lamps lit. The five wise virgins were smart, taking a reserve.  They each filled oil in a flask to take for their journey.

The Delay

There was a delay in the groom arriving. Recall the five foolish virgins did not have a reserve of oil to keep their lamps lit to withstand the delay. The groom arrived and the five foolish had departed to search for oil for their lamps. When they returned, the groom was inside with the five wise virgins. The five foolish virgins found themselves shut out from the banquet. Instead of being participants they were spectators due to their lack of preparation. They were not ready when opportunity called. Opportunity was ready for their action but they were not prepared to take action.

As with the five wise virgins, be ready to act when opportunity knocks. You may have prior warning or you may have no notification. The point is to be ready for action and to tap into your potential.  You must make the preparations to be ready to progress and move forward.  

Do not procrastinate and look for someone else to give you what you need.  Look to yourself. Opportunity requires preparation and being ready for action. Failing to be ready to act will cause you to be left behind.   Opportunities will come and go, but if you do nothing about them, so will you. – Richie Norton  Do not let opportunity get away, leaving you outside, looking in.  Not being prepared, results in missing out on that which is intended for you. It will enable others to gain from your lack of action. God provides the opportunity for you to take action flipping it to become an accomplishment and achievement.