
Do Not Be Devalued

In Genesis, God tells the story on how he created the world and everything that is in existence, including man and woman.  He made man in his image and woman was created from the rib of man.  He gave man dominion over all his creation. As we read through the Bible, God further gifts each

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I spent time on the fence, contemplating and visualizing writing books, becoming a coach, speaker, and trainer. I finally took the leap. Please join me. I, as well as you, are worthy of seizing God’s promises and using the talents that have been gifted. Recall the story of Rahab. She hid the spies, risking her

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Book Release – Messages from the Spirit

I am excited to share that second book has been released by H.S.  Jackson and is available for purchase at  It is compilation of daily messages designed to inspire and motivate you to press forward tapping into the full potential and greatness within you. Excuses become crutches resulting in your settling for average instead

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Recently I had the pleasure of hearing a sermon by Bishop Clifford L. Frazier that has been resonating in my mind and spirit. Bishop Frazier spoke of God’s unfailing love (Hesed) for each of us. Jerry Bridges states: “God’s unfailing love for us is an objective fact affirmed over and over in the Scriptures. It is true whether

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God’s Whisper

There are times when you must be quiet otherwise you will miss God’s whisper, his talking to you.  Every day, we have to ask God for our assignment, we must not assume we understand His plan but rather surrender to His will daily. – E’yen A. Gardner. You must open your ears to listen, be obedient and

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Tap Into Potential

Each day you should be intentional in learning and growing, pursuing your passion and fulfilling your purpose. Benjamin Franklin states “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”  As you continue to grow you’re tapping into your potential.  Your potential is limitless, by not growing you are setting

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Live in Love

Let love be a focus in your life.  “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” (1 John 4:16)  If you say God lives within you then you are love, your actions and words should be a reflection. Words are empty without action,  thus let your actions portray the

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Your Circle

As you continue to grow, you may need to evaluate who you have included within your circle.  King Solomon stated, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffer harm.” –Proverbs 13:20. Your circle may need to change and evolve, along with you. Your circle should be comprised of people who have similar

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