Seek and Use Wisdom

Above All Seek and Use Wisdom

Knowledge is defined as all that has been processed or grasped by the mind. It is learning, enlightenment, awareness and understanding.  Wisdom is the power of following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience and understanding. Wisdom is the application of knowledge.  James 1:5 states if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  Wisdom is that which we seek, aspire to gain.  We are to use wisdom when making decisions, taking action and performing deeds.  It is better to have wisdom, it is more precious than any other resource you can obtain. 

Recall the story of King Solomon who was appointed to succeed his father David.  He was very young and lacked experience.  God approached Solomon with a proposal, stating ask me for anything you want.  Solomon asked for wisdom above all else.  He did not ask for great riches, respect among world leaders or an invincible nation.  He asked for wisdom and God granted him abundantly.  Now God gave Solomon exceptional wisdom, very great discernment and breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand of the seashore.   His wisdom exceeded that of anyone else.  Solomon’s wisdom helped Israel to prosper greatly. 

It is important to obtain knowledge; however, wisdom, application of knowledge is vital to your succeeding, living in your purpose.  You must aspire to gain wisdom, applying it to your vision, purpose or cause.  With wisdom, you can overcome obstacles and find a way when you believe that there is no way.   With wisdom, you can achieve that which you set your mind to accomplish.  With wisdom, you must also apply discernment.  Do not allow yourself to be taken off course as with King Solomon.  He was granted a precious gift but allowed himself to be led astray by women.  Seek wisdom, following it, remaining true to your purpose and calling.  

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