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You and I are overcomers.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. – Romans 8:37

God did not create you and me to be conquered but to be overcomers.   This period of time of the Coronavirus is very hard and painful for all of us.  Know that out of pain comes light and greatness.  The time is now for each of us to sacrifice in order to get better.  Nothing worth having in life comes without trials, storms, and pain.

Believe that what is waiting on the other side is worth the pain you and I are experiencing today.  Know and believe that this too shall pass, leading to better and greater.   We have to get molded, adding to our character, to be prepared and ready for that which is in store for us.   You and I must never give up on hope. 

Hope never abandons you, you abandon it. – George Weinberg

My pastor shared this message and I share it with you.  Look up, not down.  For when you look up, you see stars and hope.  When you look down, you see dirt and mud, leading to despair and distraction.  Know that despair and distraction are what the enemy seeks for you to become so that you will not overcome instead of giving up.  Know that giving up is not an option.  You must press forward, to a new day, knowing that better is on the horizon.

Recall the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Stephen had great faith in the Lord and great influence among the people.  Jewish leaders fearful of his influence seized him to persecute him.  Stephen was not afraid.  He said, “Look I see heaven open and the Son of Man stating at the right hand of God.” – Acts 7:56 Stephen looked up, seeing hope and glory.

Thus like Stephen, look up and not down, for our God is forever present and working.   You and I are overcomers who have hope.