Your Circle

As you continue to grow, you may need to evaluate who you have included within your circle.  King Solomon stated, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffer harm.” –Proverbs 13:20. Your circle may need to change and evolve, along with you. Your circle should be comprised of people who have similar beliefs and values. Just like yourself, they should be seeking to grow, not just existing. Life is not just about working hard, making a living and partying on the weekend. Life is comprised of growing and evolving. The people in your circle should be progressing, not becoming complacent or regressing.  You have to leave behind that which is holding you back, old ways of thinking and habits. Life is a continuous journey that will not end until you die. Each day you should be seeking to add value to your life and to the life of others.

Examples of your circle are illustrated both by Jesus and Apostle Paul. Jesus circle was comprised of 12 disciples all of whom he picked. Each sharpened one another, holding one another up to fulfill their purpose–spreading the gospel and establishing the church. The Apostle Paul’s circle was comprised of the survivors of the 12 Apostles as well as new converts, i.e. Titus and Timothy. All worked together in spreading the gospel and bringing people to Christ. Just like with them, your circle should be comprised of those who are seeking to evolve, grow, and add value. Your continual journey in growth will require the help of others, having a circle. Proverbs 27:17 says it best, “As iron sharpens irons, so one person sharpens another. Your circle will include those who are doing the work that you are seeking to do so that you can continue in your growth and learning, fulfilling the purpose for which you were created.  The people in your circle will provide you with support, motivation, inspiration, and assistance.  Ecclesiastes 4:10 states “Pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”  The people in your circle are to lift you up, not knock you down. John Maxwell stated “the most significant factor in any person’s environment is the people. If you change nothing else in your life for the better than that, you will have increased your chances of success tenfold.”

If you are the smartest person in your circle then you are not growing, you have no one to look up to, admire or emulate.  Surround yourself with others that you are seeking to become and others who are seeking to grow.  Sue Enquist stated “Live in the 33% rule. Hang with the top third people, they are dream makers. Middle third: blow in the wind.  Bottom third: suck the life out of you.” Surround yourself with people who can sharpen you, assisting with honing your skills.  Those who will support you reaching your full potential, becoming.








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