Let it Disappear

You must let go in order to progress. To become better. You cannot continue following and doing things that have become obsolete and antiquated.

When God speaks of a new covenant, He makes the first one obsolete.  And whatever is obsolete (out of use, annulled) and growing old is ready to disappear. -Hebrews 8:13

Old adds layer for building.

The Old Testament served its purpose to lay the foundation for God, his law and word. The New Testament superseded the covenant of the Old Testament.  Providing a gift that is irrevocable. It is everlasting.  In the Old Testament God wrote his laws for people to read. The New Testaments puts his word in you.  You have a personal relationship with God.  Direct access to him. 

Obsolete becomes ineffective.

God has given you the example of letting go of what is no longer effective replacing with what is effective. You must do the same.  Stop holding on to things or people that you must let go. That have become obsolete. What has grown old is hindering you from pressing forward to realizing better and greater. You must let go so it will disappear.


Take time to reflect upon what has become obsolete in your life.  Compile of list of what needs releasing. Once you have identified the what or who, next let it go. Let it go so that you can move forward to realizing bigger and greater results. Commit to developing and evolving otherwise you become stuck. Let what you are holding onto that is providing no value, disappear.