The Stream

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers. -Psalm 1:3

A Tree

Be a tree that yields a crop.  The tree with access to a stream of water that is providing you with nourishment.  A stream that is the source of your strength and vigor.  The stream that supplies you with the nutrients so that you grow and produce.  Do not hoard that which you yield.  You are to share what you produce.   


Failing to share causes you to covet. Coveting means that you have a mindset of surviving instead of thriving.  Not believing in abundance.  That more or better is possible. What you have is not the last.  Do not have a mindset of scarcity.  Scarcity will cause you to be ineffective because your focus will be on protecting that which you have instead of sharing what you have.  Sharing will draw others to participate in what you are doing.  Participation aids in productivity.  Productivity maximizes potential. 


Potential feeds off the stream.  The stream that enables you to yield an abundant crop.  You have a stream that is a never-ending source of water that will provide you with nourishment.  Nourishment to grow and produce continuously, resulting in your thriving.