Leaven Makes a difference 

Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. -Mark 8:15  Leaven is the substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid.  Only a small amount is needed to work through and effect an entire batch of bread.   The Pharisees and Herod were few; yielding much influence.  Influencing the people to not believe in Jesus.  The wanted the people to remain loyal to old beliefs and concepts that were no longer effective or needed.  The Pharisees and Herod were negative obstacles.  Negativity will shut down movement. 

Watch the negativity

Negativity has much influence in your life the same as positivity.  Its influence is based on the power that you give. It is easy to allow negativity to take root.  Negativity is the easy way to block change and hinder progression.  It will stymie growth and be a roadblock to transformation.  It is an obstacle to becoming better and striving for excellence. 

Choose to be positive

You have to make the decision to not allow negativity to have a foothold.  Choose to be positive. Let positivity take root, fester and grow.  It will modify and spread, permeating into all aspects of your life.   Positivity aids movement.  Just like negativity, it impacts outcomes and situations.  You must make the decision to which you will empower and enable. 

The Pharisees and Herod won in influencing the people.  Rallying them to not accept Jesus, resulting in his persecution.  Persecution that was God’s plan.   Jesus had to die to release the hold of sin and death. 

Determine which leaven you select

Death is not required for you to make the decision on which leaven you will allow to be in control, positivity or negativity.  Negativity will not yield the outcomes that you desire. It will poison your mind and block your thinking.  Positivity will support your thinking.  It will help you to use the power of your thinking to develop solutions and take the required actions to yield the results and outcomes that you seek.   Choose the leaven of positivity not negativity, it will make a difference and impact your outcomes.