Follow and Believe in the Evidence

By John 7, the people had all the proof needed to see that Jesus was the Messiah but they still failed to believe.  Instead, the people chose to follow man instead of looking at the evidence.  Scripture stated that the Messiah would come from David’s offspring and from the town of Bethlehem.  Jesus was a descendant of David and was born in the town of Bethlehem in a manger. 

Miracles substantiated.

Prior to John 7, Jesus had performed miracles that clearly validated that he was not of this world.  Jesus turned water into wine, healed a man’s son, cured a paralyzed man and feed five thousand with 5 loaves of bread and two fish.  I could go on; however, you get the picture.  The evidence was all there.  Their physical eyes had witnessed the miracles.  However, they choose to not follow the evidence but instead look to man. They failed to use their spiritual eyes which would have provided the insight.    

Failing to see.

You do the same.  Instead of following the evidence, you look to others or things to provide you with confirmation.  The evidence is there for you to evaluate and see.  Use your spiritual sight so you have gain insight. What happens is that you look for being hit over the head and run over by a car before you see. 

Consistency reveals the evidence.

Progression is the result of small consistent steps that aggregately provide the evidence.   You get discouraged because you are looking for huge or big results instead of looking at the small steps that cumulatively reveal your progress.   Consistency compounds.   Pay attention to the details.  Think for yourself and stop following the crowd. 

Take time to review your progress.  Review the small steps you have taken and executed; you will see that you are moving forward.  You are achieving and making progress.  Believe and follow the evidence. 

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