See You As God Sees You

In Numbers 13, God instructed Moses to send men to scout out the land of Canaan.  Twelve men were selected and sent out.   The men returned, reporting that the land was indeed plentiful.  God had provided as He promised BUT (emphasis) the land was occupied.  The people were strong and invincible.  They were giants.  Ten of the twelve men saw themselves as inferior.  They stated “to ourselves we seemed like grasshoppers” – Numbers 13:33  

Lack of sight…

The ten men poisoned the minds of the majority of the people. The unbelief of the people angered God. Their punishment was to wander aimlessly in the desert for forty years.  God had enough of their complaining.  If they could not see who how He saw them and who they were, they would not enter the Promised Land. 

Two could see…

Of the twelve spies, two men did see their greatness, Caleb and Joshua.  These two men made it into the Promised Land.  They looked at themselves, seeing what was within them and who was with them.  Caleb and Joshua did allow their physical senses and eyes to take control. They used their spirit to see. To see that they had the power and strength to overcome the people who occupied the land.   Being defeated and turning back was not option. The victory was theirs. God was going to fulfill His promise.

See with your spirit…

Just like Caleb and Joshua, see who you are using your spirit.  Believe in you. There is greatness within and with you.  You have a future, are powerful and have the fortitude to succeed.   You will achieve your vision and live in your purpose.   Stop doubting yourself.  Do not allow feedback from others to poison your mind and cause you to become discouraged.   See who you are.  Believe in you and what you can do.   See who you are as God sees you.     

For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous and I know this very well. -Psalm 139:13-14