Be Bold!

In Ephesians 6:19-20, Apostle Paul talks about the need to be bold in the pursuit of your purpose.  Be bold in taking action and following through on your assignment.  To be bold is to be brave, daring and courageous.  Just like Apostle Paul, you must be daring in the pursuit of your vision and purpose.  You cannot allow opposition and obstacles to keep you from moving forward.  Instead turn the tables on adversity. Use adversity to provide fuel to your boldness.  Most often hardships and obstacles are the result of your being effective.  The opposition is a smoke screen to send you on a detour. A detour that causes you to disbelief and lose faith in pursuing your vision.

Apostle Paul faced persecution and trials because he was successful in his purpose. He was being impactful and making a difference in spreading the gospel.   Paul authored thirteen books in the New Testament. He was speaking and people were listening.  Pursuing his assignment caused him to face pain, adversity and hardship. Nonetheless, he did not stop or give up. Paul continued pressing on.  He understood that the work he was doing was needed. It was impactful and significant.  The benefits outweighed the costs. 

You must endure…

Like Paul, after facing and overcoming the struggles and opposition, you will be victorious. You are a change agent effecting change and making this world better. The outcomes and results of your passion and cause will outweigh what you have to endure.  Life is be lived to the fullest not being afraid to take chances in the pursuit of your vision.  Taking chances will result in facing adversity and hardship.   However, use the lessons from the chances taken to apply to moving you forward. You will look back from where you started to where you are applauding your accomplishment and achievement.  Believe in your purpose. Do not give up.

I pray for you that you will open your mouth to make known with boldness your purpose.  I pray that you might be bold enough to speak about as you should. – Ephesians 6:20   

Be bold!