Choose to Live Your Best Life

You have choices.  Choose to remain the same or become better.  The option to be average or to be exceptional.  Choose to go forward or continue looking backwards.  Choose to find a better way or to be stymied.  Life is about choices.  In Deuteronomy 30:11-20, God gave his people a choice.   To choose life or to choose death.  See, today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and adversity. -Deuteronomy 30:15

The people had to make a decision on their path.  The same applies to you.  You must make the decision on your path. To be average or to be exceptional. 

You have what you need to be exceptional.   To be successful and exceptional.  You become exceptional based on the choices that you make.  To be exceptional requires believing in your vision and the person that you can become.  You vision will make an impact and effect change.  Believe in what can be possible.  You make the choices.   Take control and be empowered.   Shut the door on your negative inner voice and naysayers that cause you to become distracted and distressed taking you off course.  Make the choice to live your best life.    

This week I challenge you to write down the choices that you need to make to keep you moving forward.  Be committed to the choices you have identified.  Choosing to go forward.  The people had one two options of which there was really only one choice.  “Choose life so that you and your descendants my live.” -Deuteronomy 31:19 

As like them, you have only one option. Choose to live your best life.