Be Ready for Action When Opportunity Knocks

You must seize your opportunity.  In John 5:1-9, there is a man who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.  Jesus approached the man, asking him “Do you want to get well?” – John 5:6   Of course, the man responded yes. The man had been persistent in coming to the water every day in hopes of someone taking him into the water.   The invalid man had been looking to man for help instead of seeking the One who could heal. 

Jesus said to him, “Get up, pick up your mat and walk.” – John 5:8.  The man immediately healed, picking up his mat and walking.  If the man had not gotten up as directed, he would have missed his opportunity to be healed.  The man had to open his mind to believing that this was his chance and take action.  He had to decide to get up or stay down.  Waiting on the someday that someone would help him into the water. 

In life you will have opportunities that are for you to take action.  Failing to take action results in allowing a chance to go by that my never return.  An opportunity is not going to schedule an appointment or provide you with advance notice.  That is why it is called opportunity.  Opportunity is a chance at progression or advancement.  A chance that may not come again.  You have to be willing to take the risk and stand firm in your faith believing in the opportunity.  When opportunity arrives, seize and embrace it.  Take the required action so that you can become better.  You must use your potential that will require you to take action.