Keep Your Focus on the Promise

God made a promise to Abram. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” –Genesis 12:2   God directed Abram to leave his land for He had something far greater for him (Abram).  Abram was obedient and followed God’s command.  Abram could not see what God saw; however, he opened his mind to see that God had made a promise.  He saw that what he had today could not compare to what God had planned for his tomorrow.  His mind was open to the opportunity and he believed in the possibility.

When a famine came upon the land to which Abram traveled, he abandoned the promise.  Abram sought to make his own way instead of staying focused on the promise.  He took a detour, traveling to Egypt seeking shelter and food.  Abram gave his wife to Pharaoh because he was fearful for his life.  He was quick to abandon the promise when faced with adversity.  Instead of keeping his focus on the promise he moved his focus to self-preservation.  He needed to keep his focus on the source, God and His promise. 

God made a promise to him.  Abram was to follow and be obedient.  However, he allowed the things of the world to distract and dissuade him, taking him off the plan.   Do not be like Abram, keep your focus on the promise.  God says “For I have the plans I have for you, plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11   Have hope and keep your focus on the promise.