It is That Which Is Within Me

Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, had a low opinion of himself because of what he looked like on the outside.  He was lamed as a child due to his nurse dropping him as an infant.  King David had him brought to him.  Upon seeing David, He stated “What is your servant that you should notice a dead dog like me.” -2 Samuel 9:8   Mephibosheth focused on his outside, his appearance, instead of what was within him – his soul and spirit. 

Just because he was lame did not dictate who he was and could become.  You must look past the physical to see that which is within.  Within is your spirit and soul.  Both are much greater and more important that what is on the outside.

You could be handsome or drop dead gorgeous but dark and dead on the inside.  It is important to cultivate that which is within you.  What is within you is everlasting.  Your spirit and soul are imperishable.  In comparison, your shell will perish.   All are from dust, and to dust all return. -Ecclesiastes 3:20.  Your spirit and soul are for eternity. Focus on feeding and nourishing that which will be with you forever.    

1 thought on “It is That Which Is Within Me”

  1. I try very hard to live my life like Ephesians 4 31 and 32 says and let God lead me through my day

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