5 Key Nutrients for Bearing Fruit

“You did not chose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last” (John 15:16, NIV).

You have the potential to bear much fruit. Edible and durable fruit. Fruit that will leave your mark in this world.  Making a difference and being impactful.

Being impactful with the harvest you are to yield. Harvest controlled by perseverance and effort using potential.

These five nutrients plus potential foster the health and robust growth of your crops:

  1. Source: Connecting to the source. Daily spending time with God developing your own relationship. Relationship that creates an unbreakable bond.
  2. Pruning: Releasing things, thoughts and individuals that can hold you back from progressing. Incorporating practices that turn up the volume on positive thoughts drowning out the negative thoughts.
  3. Community: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals that are supportive. Aid you in being accountable and committed.
  4. Driven purpose. Living in your passion, using your strengths and talent to be impactful and make a difference.
  5. Obedience. Follow God’s commands, remaining in him and connected to him. Not allowing challenges and adversity to turn you away from him.

Incorporating these five elements enables producing the harvest for your life. The promise is present. It is for you realize the promise by putting in the effort that will press you forward to realizing progress.

Listen here to an episode of Change Your View with Moir P. Donelson who explains how he leveled up in his life to improve and realize success using these five nutrients.