In the Bible, 40 symbolized a period of testing, trial and probation. God flooded the world for 40 days and nights. Moses endured two periods of 40. He lived 40 years in Egypt. He lived 40 years in the desert. Moses sent the spies to scout the Promised Land for 40 days. The Israelites wandered for 40 years in the desert. Jesus endured the temptation of the devil for 40 days and nights. Jesus appeared to his disciples for 40 days after his resurrection and death.
There is a process.
All of these examples illustrate that there is a process. Your process may be 40 days, weeks, months, years or less. The point is that there is a process. A process required for growth, development and evolution. You must go through the process of tested and enduring hardship. Going through to get to receive your assignment or to get to the next level. Endure and allow the process to occur. Do not give up. Complete the process to receive and realize that which is for you. God says “For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to you a future and hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11.

That which you seek will be realized.
God’s word is true. He does not lie or fail. What fails or lies is you. You fail because you give up. The lies are from your inner voice. Keep going, not stopping. Let the process be completed so that God’s word becomes a reality. Do not lose hope or faith. Use your hope and faith to push you through the painful process that must be endured. Follow and endure the 40 process.