July 2023

Teamwork is Honor

Together the two made a team that conquered Jabin.  Barak refused to go to battle without Deborah.  Barak says “If you go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.” -Judges 4:8 Deborah agreed to accompany Barack.  She stated her going would have drawbacks.  With

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Life is Challenges

Life challenges are a part of life.  There are no escaping challenges. Challenges are the results of stressors that cause stress.  Equip yourself to withstand the stress. You can bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising by identifying methods that will enable you to cope. This means that you must tap into your inner strength to

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CYV 1 | Settling In Life

From Shepherding Investments To Shepherding Minds And Souls: Why Settling In Life Is Not An Option With Douglas Thornton

  You can’t grow and be secure all at the same time. Would you rather stay in the same place and avoid all risk or go out there and claim your fullest potential? Pastor Douglas Thornton chose the latter. His journey from being a portfolio manager to becoming a pastor and educator is a reminder

From Shepherding Investments To Shepherding Minds And Souls: Why Settling In Life Is Not An Option With Douglas Thornton Read More »

Your Stones

In Joshua 4, God performs a miraculous act.  He halts the flow of water in the Jordan.  Halting the flow of the water enabling the Israelites to cross over into the promised land.  After crossing, he gave Joshua these instructions.  “Choose twelve men from among the people, one from each tribe, and them to take

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Let it Rain

The farmer waits for the precious harvest from the land, being patient about it, unit it receives the early and late rains. -James 5:7 Just as the farmers waits, you must wait.  Wait on the rain to aid in producing the harvest.  The rain provides the nourishment needed to grow the crops to produce a

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